[nycphp-talk] sql query with php

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Mar 13 10:29:38 EST 2006

On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 07:06:15AM -0800, jlesidt wrote:
... snip ...
> from [tablename]
... snip ...

While this isn't your problem, a heads up.  Do not use delimited 
identifiers or identifiers that requirie delimiting.  Doing so WILL cause 
you grief in the long run.

> This works perfectly fine in mssql query analyzer. But when this is 
> executed through php no rows are returned. Should I not use "in" and 
> subquery in php. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

All PHP does is pass the the query to the database server.  Two possible 
reasons for your problem are your PHP script is not connecting to the 
server/database you think you are or there is a bug in you PHP code.


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