[nycphp-talk] PHP 5's Importance to Web Developers

Anthony Papillion papillion at
Wed Mar 15 22:22:01 EST 2006

Hello Everyone,

I've been using PHP 4 and am very comfortable with it. I've developed
several major products in 4 and they work very well and are stable.
Lately, I've had a few clients ask me about PHP 5 and if they should
migrate over to it because it's the latest and greatest. I've always
told them no because of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" rule.

But lately, I've been wondering about switching myself.

Is it advantageous for me, as a web developer, to begin switching my
projects over to PHP 5 and OOP even if the old way is working fine?
I'm not seeing too many jobs that require 5 knowledge and I notice
that a mass migration of hosting providers to PHP 5 has yet to happen.

What does everyone think? Is learning and switching over to 5 now
worthwhile or should I wait until it's been more fully adopted by the

Anthony Papillion
Advanced Data Concepts

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