[nycphp-talk] PHP 5's Importance to Web Developers

Donald J. Organ IV dorgan at
Thu Mar 16 10:45:28 EST 2006

Well lately I have found myself using PHP5, I just figured it was time.  
I havent had to change and of my coding so far....But I figured hey why 
not, this way if I run into a time for a need to use it I wont have to 
hope its gonna work i will know it will.

tedd wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I've been using PHP 4 and am very comfortable with it. I've developed
>> several major products in 4 and they work very well and are stable.
>> Lately, I've had a few clients ask me about PHP 5 and if they should
>> migrate over to it because it's the latest and greatest. I've always
>> told them no because of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" rule.
>> But lately, I've been wondering about switching myself.
>> Is it advantageous for me, as a web developer, to begin switching my
>> projects over to PHP 5 and OOP even if the old way is working fine?
>> I'm not seeing too many jobs that require 5 knowledge and I notice
>> that a mass migration of hosting providers to PHP 5 has yet to happen.
>> What does everyone think? Is learning and switching over to 5 now
>> worthwhile or should I wait until it's been more fully adopted by the
>> community?
>> Thanks!
>> Anthony Papillion
>> Advanced Data Concepts
> Anthony:
> I haven't made the jump myself, but am interested in doing so.
> However, I read somewhere that less than 10 percent of php 
> programmers have made the switch -- can anyone support/disclaim that 
> statement?
> tedd

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