[nycphp-talk] Pear Mail error

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Mon Mar 20 15:50:01 EST 2006

On Mar 20, 2006, at 3:34 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> The first build came from an rpm of unknown origin.

That alone sounds taboo ;-)

> That threw PEAR into a strange directory. Looks like ZendCore does  
> its own PEAR install. Need to do a bit of research to see if it can  
> be changed, but I assume its "pre-built"

Yeah I don't think you can get away with multiple PEAR  
directories ... if you type "pear config-show" on the command line  
you should have where your packages should eventually end up.  The  
main problem is if you do a package update you would have out-of-sync  
items causing headaches ... + Id be 100% sure that ZendCore would be  
using the same PEAR repository as the rest of the world.

- Jon

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