[nycphp-talk] PEAR Mail versus phpmailer

Kenneth Downs ken at
Tue Mar 21 09:10:17 EST 2006

Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> Has anyone evaluated PEAR Mail versus phpmailer or any other possible 
> candidates?

I've used PEAR only.  My original options were a) roll-my-own, b) learn 
to love PEAR Mail or c) learn to love something else.

Overall PEAR packages are stable and consistent and have a nice 
installation system, so putting the time into b) seemed worth it.  I'm 
now using PEAR mail, mail_mime, mail_imapv2 and am happy with them all, 
they "just work".

My only possible gripe is that all you can count on for docs is a class 
reference.  This is great, but it would really be nirvana if PEAR 
standards required at least one comprehensive example and walk-through 
as part of the docs.

> Cliff Hirsch
>New York PHP Community Talk Mailing List
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