[nycphp-talk] passing variables between two phps iwithout opening a new window in the browser

Rolan Yang rolan at
Tue Mar 21 19:01:37 EST 2006

javascript is the way to go, or do fancy css layers and javascript like 
the calendar select on
To see how it's done, simply view source :)


jlesidt wrote:
> Hi,
>    I have the file one.php (opened in a browser) with
> a link to the page two.php. This is basically a lookup
> php which retreives ID for my one.php. two.php has
> some checkboxes for ID. The checked value is being
> passed onto one.php. but this opens a new one.php
> instead of passing it to the already opened window of
> one.php. How can I prevent a new one.php being opened?
> Pleasseeeeeeeeee help me.
> Thanks,

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