[nycphp-talk] logwatch "2 200 responses" issue

Matt Morgan matt at
Wed Mar 22 12:15:27 EST 2006

This is php-related in that lots of php-based web applications (more 
than one wiki, drupal, mambo & maybe joomla) share the issue. Although 
it may not really be a php problem. I've also seen it in htdig, the open 
source web indexing/searching tool. Has anybody seen it & dealt with it?

Here's the issue. Logwatch, which I have installed on some CentOS 4.2 
and Fedora Core 3 & 4 servers that I help out with, reports on many 
funny log entries. It's a great example of how Unix/Linux admin has 
gotten lots better since I started out. Among the entries it likes to 
keep me informed of is this http response code issue, generated by a 
chat module in drupal:

A total of 11934 unidentified 'other' records logged
   with response code(s)
  GET /chatbox/text?nickname=jtrant&limit=30&lastrefresh=1142823531 
HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 200 responses
  GET /chatbox/nicklist&forcerefresh=9317 HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 
2 200 responses

The problem is the "2 200 responses." Is that one page returning two 
success codes? I don't really know where it comes from. Anyway, I've 
seen this before, but when it goes on for 12000 messages, the logwatch 
reports are too big and too hard to read.

According to some googling I've done, one may edit logwatch's http 
script and tell it to filter using some other method. But that sounds 
hard (an endless road of modifying the script every time a new app comes 
out?) and I have a feeling this is not really logwatch's fault--where 
does that funny http response code come from, and why is it getting more 
and more common? On this page

someone attempts an explanation, but it doesn't sound realistic to me 
(unless I just don't understand what he means).


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