[nycphp-talk] Yes, the Forum/BB round up . . . Vanilla 421 from SVN

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon May 8 19:54:28 EDT 2006

inforequest |nyphp dev/internal group use| 

>Ajai Khattri |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:
>>edward potter wrote:
>>>I'm looking for a plug and play php/mysql forum application for a web
>>>site I'm finishing up.
>>>I've looked at zillions over the years, and was never really 100%
>>>happy. I was wondering are there any new Web 2.0ish wannabes  on the
>>>block?  Soft and fluffy?  Very lightweight? OR  AKA "is there a
>>>perfect, web based  forum  application out here?"
>>This is one is the sweetest Ive seen (and I mean, suuuweeeeet ;-):
>I recall looking at Vanilla a little while ago. I just looked again.
>There's nothing like the php talklist to keep you mindful of your PHP 
>fundamentals (such as the use of single and double quotes..ahem)  and 
>there's nothing like XAMPP to *force* you to get it right lol. But now 
>that I fixed vanilla's installer it looks pretty good. Still a ways from 
>what i consider stable, and I see plenty of comments about IE rendering 
>Last time I settled on because it was sooooo easy to get 
>integrated and done with. Not at all web2.0-ey, but I didn't want to 
>spend the time.
>-=john andrews
And I will follow up that reply with more info.... I grabbed the current 
SVN trunk and it is far improved from 0.9.x.x "current stable" offered 
on getvanilla. It appears they are close to a 1.0 release.

I like it so far.

-=john andrews

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