[nycphp-talk] File Upload Issues on Windows

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu May 11 14:20:03 EDT 2006

On 5/9/06, Randal Rust <randalrust at> wrote:
> I have a file upload class that works everywhere but on the production server.
> The production and development environments are Windows, running
> Apache. My test environment is Linux, running Apache.
> The weirdest thing is that in production, I can upload PDF files, but
> when I try to upload images, it completely fails. I keep getting the
> 'permission denied' message on the image directory.
> Any ideas?
> It's just completely perplexing that I can upload PDF files, but not
> images. It's the same code!
> --
> Randal Rust
> R.Squared Communications

Hey, did you ever solve this?

I have no clue why this would happen, so I'm curious if you found the culprit...

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