[nycphp-talk] [OT] coders do stand up on Monday nights only Re: Alphanumeric Range

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu May 11 15:27:11 EDT 2006

Dan Cech |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>tedd wrote:
>>>On Wed, 10 May 2006, tedd wrote:
>>>> Basically, there are 10 types of people, those who understand binary
>>>> and those who don't. :-)
>>>Hmmmm, if you want to tell this joke out loud, how do you pronounce "10" ?
>>It's still "ten" regardless of what the dictionary may say. Ten is 
>>not defined by the base 10.
>>For example, you don't say "one" is not "one" because it belongs to 
>>another base, do you?
>>Or, as in the case of base 16, you don't have another pronunciation 
>>for "A", do you?
>>Such as in:
>>10 in any number system is still ten.
>Not exactly.  Ten is merely a name we give to the digit sequence 1 0
>when representing a number in base 10.
>If you called 10 base 2 Ten, what would you call 1010 base 2?
>If you were saying 10 base 2 out loud, you should probably just say Two, though that kind of defeats the purpose of the joke...
which brings us right back to David's question... 

"Hmmmm, if you want to tell this joke out loud, how do you pronounce "10" ?"

and causes this thread be be labeled "OT" :-)

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