[nycphp-talk] Alphanumeric Range

Michael Southwell michael.southwell at
Thu May 11 17:27:23 EDT 2006

At 04:50 PM 5/11/2006, you wrote:
>What about "ten" in Hex? How do you say that out loud?

The characters "t" and "n" do not exist in the Hex character set, so 
the string "ten" can't exist there.
The character "0" doesn't exist either, so the string "10" also can't 
exist there.

You can't say what doesn't exist.

Of course, the concept "ten" (which could also be represented as "10" 
or as "1010") does exist in Hex, and it would have to be pronounced "ay".

So the point of the original joke is that it can only be read, not 
pronounced, to be effective, because reading it tricks you into 
mixing up the two bases (if I remember it right).

Michael Southwell, Vice President for Education
New York PHP - In-depth PHP Training Courses 

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