[nycphp-talk] PHP Proxy

DarkWulf darkwulf at
Thu May 11 23:24:44 EDT 2006

You want to somehow rewrite the links/images/etc to point to your proxy. 
Use regex/str_replace of some sort to scan and replace urls (eg: with your proxy (eg: and so on.

Its actually somewhat tricky (need to parse css, and html doing 
replacements. And there are many different places to replace.)

Best of luck


Jon Strong wrote:
> I am trying to create a proxy server using php, I can view the  
> webpage with just the text but none of the image or flash are there,  
> also when you click on a link it just goes to the site. Can someone  
> point me in the right direction. I am a fairly new php programmer and  
> this is the hardest project i have done so far.
> Jon Strong

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