[nycphp-talk] PHP shopping cart solutions

Keith Casey mailinglists at
Fri May 26 10:10:04 EDT 2006

On 5/26/06, harvey <list at> wrote:
>  At least to me, OScommerce is not at all easy to customize
>  Zencart was based off an OScommerce release and then developed over the
> past few years to be easier to use
>  I haven't yet tried it, but I will on my next ecommerce project

I've used oscommerce itermittently over the past couple years and I
find it completely unacceptable in terms of customizing and making it
useful in general.  It's funny though, once you start playing with an
install, you'll start to notice all the small ecommerce places out
there that use it.

Zencart is a fork of OSC and is a pretty significant step up.  I still
haven't been completely satisfied with it, but it offers things like a
password-protected admin page!  What a concept.  I've also heard some
positive things about "Creloaded" which seems to be a fork of ZC...
yes, a fork of a fork.

A friend of mine recently got into XCart ($300, iirc) and is quite
happy with it.  I haven't done anything with it yet, but if it's half
as theme-able as OSC and ZC, then I'm going to seriously consider

D. Keith Casey Jr.
CEO, CaseySoftware, LLC

2006 DC PHP Conference: "PHP In The Federal Enterprise and the World"

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