[nycphp-talk] rtrim broken?

David Krings ramons at
Thu Nov 2 18:09:20 EST 2006


    I agree, that wasn't the best example to give. I probably thought 
first to write $k = $k + 1, and then recalled that a + 1 is easily 
expressed as ++, which also does not require to assign the result to the 
same variable. It really was only meant as example and I guess I just 
add two in future to make a point.
    The really embarrassing thing is that if I just would have looked at 
my code for some time more and did it as shown in my botched example, 
the whole mess could have been prevented. I got this squared out now and 
it all works and I keep on screwing my head on straight.

    David K.

Warren Myers wrote:
> I don't think this does what it looks like
> On 11/1/06, *David Krings* <ramons at <mailto:ramons at>> 
> wrote:
>     Hi,
>         yes, $text is the string passed to rtrim, which in retrun is
>     supposed to overwrite what is in $text previously. Kinda like
>     $k = $k++;
> $k++ will make k increase by 1. $k=$k++ still only increases $k by one 
> because ++ is a postffix operator, and the assignment of $k=$k happens 
> before $k is incremented with ++. $k=$k+1 is equivalent to $k++, but 
> what you have is an extra assignment for no reason, or at least it 
> looks like it

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