[nycphp-talk] [OT] slidePresenter (was: live slide-show delivery via browser only)

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Mon Nov 6 13:34:23 EST 2006

Thanks everyone for a good discussion on this thread.  I've decided to 
go ahead and build this myself, because I just haven't been able to find 
anything like it, and I believe I can write it well enough to suit my 
needs: simple support for real-time slide presentations with only a web 

I also imagine it would be useful for others, though perhaps others 
would want features I'm not planning at the outset. So, for whatever 
it's worth, I've given it a name, slidePresenter, and will release it 
under an open source license.

Anyone who's interested can see more at the project blog:

This is the first project I've started that's intended from the 
beginning to be open source, so it looks like it will be a lot of fun 
and quite educational.

If anyone thinks it's worth mentioning, I'll be happy to report back 
here once actual code (PHP) is ready for release.  In the mean time, 
please let me hear whatever comments you may have, either by email 
off-list, or via the blog.


Timothy Boyden wrote:
> Allen,
> I've never see a slide show application that does what you want to do short
> of a WebEx or Windows NetMeeting presentation.
> The rough approach I would take to your problem would be:
> 1) Create authentication code to determine slide show viewer or presenter
> 2) Create code to display the current slide as determined by a value in a
> flat text file or database
> 3) Create code to update the flat file or database to set the current slide
> (slide control buttons only visible to the presenter)
> 4) Create code to refresh the slide display page if there is a change in the
> flat file or database
> Most likely you'd populate an array with the slides in the order you want
> them shown and page back and forth through the array with the slide control
> buttons.
> I'm a Network Administrator that sometimes wears the intermediate web
> programmer hat and this would undoubtedly be the simple approach to this
> issue. I'm sure there's some AJAX method of doing this in the way that you
> describe, but that's beyond my current skill set.
> Cheers,
> Tim Boyden

Allen Shaw
Polymer (
slidePresenter (

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