[nycphp-talk] So who's using Ajax anway?

Kenneth Downs ken at
Thu Nov 9 07:28:34 EST 2006

Just curious as to who has gotten into Ajax.  Would you say you are in 
light? Deep?  Use it for nothing? Everything?

I'll toss in my answer to get us started.  Andromeda was written first 
as a non-Ajax framework, so we had to add it in later.  We've got a 
small library that works very well on the browser, and are currently 
developing the server-side library of common routines.  We've used it 
for our report writer, and think it is very cool.

Generally we've moved over to doing all custom screens in AJAX, while 
the "for-free" screens that Andromeda generates are still old-school.

I've noticed a curious fact about using Ajax, it tends to enforce a very 
clean structure for your HTML, and also for the corresponding 
server-side routines.  It is one of those immediate gratification things 
where the increased attention to structure pays off as an immediate and 
visible improvement in the UI.
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