[nycphp-talk] So who's using Ajax anway?

Dell Sala dell at
Thu Nov 9 15:12:44 EST 2006

For returning HTML blocks I just use plain text. But if I don't want  
my server-side handlers to have to know too much about the html  
context in which they will be used I send back raw data in JSON. JSON  
rocks. You just need a library on the server-side to translate your  
PHP data structures into JSON.


array('name' => 'joe', age => '35');

is transformed into a simple javascript object that is easy to work  

{ name : 'joe', age : '35' }

who needs the headache of XML for this?

-- Dell

On Nov 9, 2006, at 2:56 PM, David Mintz wrote:

> For you guys, does the X in AJAX really stand for XML? Or are you  
> sending
> back finished HTML?
> When it's finished HTML, dropping it into your page is utter cake,  
> but the
> front/back presentation/biz logic separation is less clean. When it's
> XML, you find yourself doing all that DOM stuff and it gets  
> tedious. Why
> go to the trouble of generating XML if you never intend to do  
> anything but
> turn it into HTML anyway?
> Unless I'm missing something...
> ---
> David Mintz

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