[nycphp-talk] A Joomla question

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Nov 10 12:00:12 EST 2006

Ajai Khattri wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Nov 2006, Kenneth Downs wrote:
>> But Andromeda has no real UI component.  So we wrote a compatibility 
>> layer that opens up the world of Joomla templates for our use.  Now I 
>> can download a Joomla template, put it into my Andromeda app, and I have 
>> a UI.  So we have Joomla templates but no Joomla.
> OK, now I understand (even if I think its weird ;-)

Depends on what line of work you are in.  We are not really in the 
website business, we are in the software business, it just so happens 
that these days we deploy our software in browser-based setups, so we 
need stuff that looks good.

> So the real question is whether the menu component in Joomla always pulls 
> data from the same table. Im inclined to say yes, based on the fact that 
> the database schema doesn't change very much and the menu component is a 
> standard part of Joomla.
The particular templates i'm using seem to ignore the menu component and 
build their own, by pulling out of the database.

I would assume that all Joomla templates somehow pull from the same 
table (why else use Joomla, right?), but assumptions can sometimes get 
you into trouble, that's why I ask.

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