[nycphp-talk] A Joomla question

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Nov 10 19:19:25 EST 2006

csnyder wrote:
> On 11/10/06, Kenneth Downs <ken at> wrote:
>> I've joined and am using his templates for Andromeda
>> apps.  I've written a simple compatibility layer and am just about at
>> the point where I can drop in a Joomla template and have it JustWork(tm).
> Ken, I think we need to give you an award for taking mashups to the next level.
> Seriously, this kind of cross-modularization is really impressive.
You know the credit goes to the Joomla team for creating a de-facto 
standard for providing an HTML template that calls out to well-defined 
functions.  If you can intercept and redirect the functions, your 
framework can use Joomla templates.

All we did was implement simple methods like mosCountModules() and 
mosLoadModules(), redirecting them to Andromeda functions.  Most of them 
to tell the truth get discarded, we don't need the full complexity of 9 
user module areas, top, debug, etc.

One of our simplest is this:

function mosMainBody() {
  ehStandardContent();  // Call the similar Andromeda function

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