[nycphp-talk] So who's using Ajax anway?

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Sat Nov 11 07:47:13 EST 2006

You don't have to use AJAX. You can use .NET objects, JAVA beans, python,

It isn't about who is using it, it is about why are we using it.

It isn't about the type of technology, it is about the technique and
delivering benefits 
to the end user. 

It is about positioning your programming product out in front, ahead of the
user needs 
and not behind them. Lead the user to what is better, faster, simpler -- for
them the user. 

Essentially, I think you would agree, that in a truly altruistic world, 
programmers would simply be expected to come up with the innovations -- that

is the programmer's job capacity -- and said innovations ripple out to the
users --  
the users who cannot even know the impending innovation, cannot even know to
want the 
innovation ahead of the invention. 

Breakthrough techniques in usability, design and process are pushed out to
the user 
by knowledgeable creators who can do it. 

So choose your model, but the wave is definitely there -- and this is a
commercial, sellable wave 
that promises to keep programmer's in work for ten more years -- fat
real-time desktop performance style 
is anticipated from thin distributed server products. 

The time and money saving, one-time build it, we can one-time update it
concept that eliminates 
redundancy and reduces error or contrary input is what moving apps to the
internet was always 
all about. 

I'm an insurance agent settling a claim right at the rainy roadside incident
-- as this type of end user 
who is under pressure I'd rather:
A) have a seven-page, multi-load and reload, seven submit clicks form input
process, or
B) a single page, multi-tabbed, single submit form that is intelligently
pulling down all the new 
data I need (working for me, working with me, pushing me ahead) every time I
update an input box.

I am a harried traveler on a hotel site while I am transferring planes at an
airport with only a 
few minutes to make a pick, I'd rather;
A) enter some details on page one, a few more details on page two, submit
all details, watch dream-inspiring  
animation, get back 137 pages (137 pages of 25 entries to a page!!!!
$%*&^@!!) of results and click abjectly  
through lethargic pages with spongy buttons, or
B) enter my info on a tabbed panel on the left side and watch results appear
in what feels a whole lot like 
real time on the right side in handy readable clumps of six entries.

The old business story, of course, is that no one knew they wanted the speed
and potential of 
Federal Express style, overnight delivery until the technique was created
and put in front of the 

There just is no denying the overwhelming success of the centralized app
over the internet.

Every single day I hear: can we google that, will you mapquest that for me,
can't you just go 
online and get pictures, let's email them and see what they say, let's buy
those tickets online now... 

All of these remarks are about living, buying, researching, communicating
and working on, thru and 
by the internet -- right now. Now. This instant, in real time, from anywhere
I want. And I want it. 

Warmest regards, 
Peter Sawczynec 
Technology Director 
_Design & Interface 
_Database Management 
ps at 



-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Kenneth Downs
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 7:29 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] So who's using Ajax anway?

Just curious as to who has gotten into Ajax.  Would you say you are in 
light? Deep?  Use it for nothing? Everything?

I'll toss in my answer to get us started.  Andromeda was written first 
as a non-Ajax framework, so we had to add it in later.  We've got a 
small library that works very well on the browser, and are currently 
developing the server-side library of common routines.  We've used it 
for our report writer, and think it is very cool.

Generally we've moved over to doing all custom screens in AJAX, while 
the "for-free" screens that Andromeda generates are still old-school.

I've noticed a curious fact about using Ajax, it tends to enforce a very 
clean structure for your HTML, and also for the corresponding 
server-side routines.  It is one of those immediate gratification things 
where the increased attention to structure pays off as an immediate and 
visible improvement in the UI.

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