[nycphp-talk] LDAP for web authorization?

Randal Rust randalrust at
Tue Nov 21 14:02:27 EST 2006

On 11/21/06, edward potter <edwardpotter at> wrote:

> my understanding of LDAP (I was immersed in it for a bit back in the
> boom), is it's really optimized for name/address lookup applications
> (colleges, hospital directories, etc).

That's my understanding as well.

>  I know some people have tried
> to use it for securing directories at various levels, not sure how
> that worked out.

Security, although not for directories, is also a part of this
project. A lof of the parent organizations have child records and we
need to secure them based on the user login. I think we'll have to
verify everything based on the user's DN or something. I don't even
want to begin to think about that yet.

> Anything beyond that (as described in your post), is for sure a
> mysql/db type application. The syntax always drove me crazy, I noticed
> the coding pros were all english majors, who hacked LDAP on the side.

I tried, unsuccessfully, to convince the client to ditch LDAP as the
data store and move to MySQL. If he had done that, I would probably be
done with this project by now.

But, at least someone else thinks this is probably not the best
approach. If it comes up again, I can always say that I got some other

Randal Rust
R.Squared Communications

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