[nycphp-talk] Help with while loop

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Mon Nov 27 16:09:07 EST 2006

At 03:43 PM 11/27/2006, Randal Rust wrote:

>Yeah, I know. This is the client's hair-brained idea. I told him I'd
>take a look. The problem all goes back to how they are handling their
>They are using LDAP for data storage. Each record has a 'key' value
>which they want to be unique. The key is generated from a combination
>of three user-input values, so it's not as easy as 'Browns.' In the
>current system, there is no check in place to ensure that the key is
>unique. In the new system, they want the script to generate the key
>and ensure its uniqueness.

I took your original code and modified it extensively. It now uses 
recursion to get a unique value and I add that value to the array. I 
put echo statements at the end for debuging purposes. I also 
hardcoded the "$newteam".  Have a look and see if this solves your problem:

'Blue Jackets',
$newTeam = 'Browns';
function checkDuplicate($value,$teams,$cnt=1){
                 $chk = in_array($value,$teams);
                 if (!$chk) {
                         $teams[] = $value;
                         return array(true,$teams);
                 $nt = substr($value,0,-1) . $cnt++;
                 list ($chk,$teams) = checkDuplicate($nt,$teams,$cnt);
                 while (!$chk) {
                   $nt = substr($value,0,-1) . $cnt++;
                   list ($chk,$teams) = checkDuplicate($nt,$teams,$cnt);

list($unique,$teams) = checkDuplicate($newTeam,$teams);
echo '<pre>' . var_export($unique,true) . "\n";
echo print_r($teams,true) . '</pre>';
list($unique,$teams) = checkDuplicate($newTeam,$teams);
echo '<pre>' . var_export($unique,true) . "\n";
echo print_r($teams,true) . '</pre>';


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