[nycphp-talk] OT - Recommendatons for MySQL books?

Morgan Craft morgan at
Mon Oct 2 10:20:08 EDT 2006

MySQL Database Design and Tuning by mySql press is a great book -

It covers in-depth information about the various storage engines in 
mysql: innoDB, myISAM, Memory, Heap, Archive and how they work (row 
locking) and when/why to use them for various data-types.  These various 
storage engines are what make MySQL such a powerful database engine.  
Also, the book also covers indexing methods - primary and foreign keys, 
hashing, column types.  Basically it covers everything relating to 
database design for mysql and focuses less on tricks you can do with SQL 
queries.  I highly recommend it.

I don't think you can order it through amazon - where I normally get all 
my books.  But if you go to a Barnes and Noble I'm sure they have it.  
Give it a look I'm sure it is what you are looking for.


Aaron Fischer wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'd like to invest in a book that focuses entirely on MySQL.  I have one 
> book that looks at PHP/MySQL but I feel that there is a lot that I am 
> missing.
> My experience level/goals:
> I'd like to learn about database design and the features of MySQL.  I've 
> been programming with PHP for about four years and working with MySQL 
> for the same amount of time.  While my PHP skills have been growing I 
> feel that my database skills have remained pretty flat.
> For example, relational database design, primary keys, indexing, etc. 
> are all terms that I have varying degrees of familiarity with but I 
> would like to learn much more about them.  There are some times that I 
> am solving a problem with PHP and wondering if it would be more 
> efficient if I used a feature in MySQL instead.
> I'd be interested in a book that has a chapter on database security as well.
> Would appreciate any recommendations.  Thanks!
> -Aaron
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