[nycphp-talk] PHP HTML Document Parser

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Oct 2 13:24:21 EDT 2006

Peter Sawczynec |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> I'm looking for a free PHP module/class/script that can accept an
> HTML document as a string or file and might have a few methods built in
> to help parse the file for certain keywords or the grab the textual 
> content
> between certain open and closing HTML tags.
> This module/class/script does not have to make the connection to get the
> file, only to do the parsing.
> As usual thanks in advance if you know something that fits the bill.
> Warmest regards,

There is a Tidy library by John Coggeshall that does a ton but I have 
found it to be a very dry sandwich to consume without a decent pint of 
beer. Maybe that's cause I am such a lousy PHP coder, but the team I was 
working with loved it and got everything they needed from it.  Maybe 
start with a Zend article here

-=john andrews

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