[nycphp-talk] mod_rewrite -- what's the big deal?

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Tue Oct 3 12:49:34 EDT 2006

Yeah, Cliff.  If all of your pages already follow a standard of 
?page=somepage&action=someaction&other params...

Then you can just drop in this rule:
RewriteRule (.+)/(.+) index.php?page=$1&action=$2 [QSA,L]

And instantly be able to do
without breaking anything.  You wouldn't even have to change any of your 
existing links immediately if you didn't feel like it... they would 
still work.


Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> Ok, so I'm starting to see the benefits, but now I have to be an Apache
> guru on top of a PHP guru? Can anyone suggest good tutorials?
> Does this mean I have to change every URL that's embedded in every page
> from ?key=value&... to /value1/value2 And do I have to know the order of
> the request params for it to work? Or as Chris says, do I still access
> the query values from $get, $post?
> I don't use a Framework or a true MVC architecture -- I think. It's more
> like Cliff's hack. But to my defense, I do use a single entry point
> (index.php) that dispatches requests via
> ?page=somepage&action=someaction&other params as required.
> So where would I go from here? And don't say scrap your code and switch
> to a Framework.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
> On Behalf Of csnyder
> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 8:44 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] mod_rewrite -- what's the big deal?
> On 10/3/06, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
>> What difference does it make? To me it mainly looks like a major
> headache
>> making all the queries written in PHP play nicely with mod_rewrite.
> This may be going beyond the substance of your question, but
> mod_rewrite is arguably the best way to enable a
> model-view-controller-ish interface for your web application. A simple
> rewrite rule, along with some exceptions for static assets (design
> elements, javascript libraries), will funnel everything through your
> dispatch script.
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/www/.*
> RewriteRule ^.* /usr/local/myframework/http-engine.php
> Now all requests that don't begin with /www/ get handled by one
> script, which can give you big savings in the maintenance and security
> departments.
> Rewriting doesn't change queries at all, btw. You can pick up the
> requested uri from the $_SERVER superglobal, and $_GET vars are set
> correctly.
> ---
> Chris Snyder
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