[nycphp-talk] Getting GMT bias from browser

David Krings ramons at
Fri Oct 6 13:57:47 EDT 2006


this question is probably as old as the www. How do I get the GMT bias of 
the system on which the client browser runs? Getting the actual time would 
be even nicer. I'm fine with a solution that works most of the time. I 
thought about figuring out where in the world the IP is located. I recall 
that there are websites that can track an IP to a location (which may or 
may not be correct), but I'd need to handle such a response and then have 
to figure out what the GMT bias is. There must be a more straight forward 
solution. I need to know the client's time on the browser, so it is not 
just about displaying the time in the browser for which JavaScript would be 
the better choice. Any tips?


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