[nycphp-talk] mod_rewrite -- what's the big deal?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Oct 6 18:22:38 EDT 2006

Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> Sure, but I'm really a publisher and semiconductor sales, marketing, biz
> dev. and analyst guy. And I lick stamps, take out the garbage and burn
> toast. How many hats do I have to wear!

Yeah but I assume that "semiconductor sales" wouldn't be of much use on 
your resume if you were applying for a web developer job and, "apache 
experience" on the other hand *would* be useful in that situation.

I think a lot of us have worn many hats at one time or another - hell, 
Ive done sales and even writing product descriptions for a 
newsletter/catalog (no, not for J Peterman's ;-). But you decide what 
you want to go for and wear the appropriate hat(s) a lot more than the 
'less useful" ones ;-)


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