[nycphp-talk] Latest security alert ... CVE-2006-4812

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu Oct 12 08:24:20 EDT 2006

On 10/11/06, Jon Baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
> Looks like everyone should patch up no? ...

Yes, but from the way I read it, this is only an issue if you
unserialize a string directly from user input. The authors give the
example of an application that serializes some structure and stores it
in a cookie value for deserialization on subsequent requests.

The attack is based on constructing a fake serialized string that
includes an array with a very large number of reported elements,
something like "a:9999999999999999:{...}".

I wouldn't be surprised to find that unserialize() is vulnerable to
other, similar attacks, so if you're code is affected by this it would
be much better to use some other mechanism (storing a record id in the
cookie, or using php sessions). Or use hardened php, apparently.

Chris Snyder

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