[nycphp-talk] Image w/Text Methods??

Brian Dailey bdailey at
Thu Oct 19 14:52:57 EDT 2006

One thing you might want to keep in mind is that the original file might 
have been done in Photoshop. If you replace the text with Gimp, the text 
may look a little different because each program has different ways of 
handling anti-aliasing.

In my experience, that sort of problem is best answered by keeping the 
original layered (PSD or Gimp equivalent) files on hand somewhere. That 
makes it infinitely easier (and less time consuming) to modify the image 
at a later date.

- Brian

R. Mariotti wrote:
> Fellow PHP'ers;
> As a developer, most times for a professional site the graphical 
> components might be conveniently delivered by the design person.  This 
> makes for very easy reference and literally plug-in.
> However, like today, there is often the occasion where someone desires a 
> change in some of the text that is already part of an image.   The 
> technique I usually use is to make a copy of the image then use gimp to 
> cut-out the undesired portion then add the new text to the image and 
> move it around finally flattening it, saving it then uploading to the 
> site.  Most times it works reasonably well (sort of!)
> But, the clarity and precision of these resulting images are certainly 
> not up to the quality that the original displayed.  I don't know the 
> real reason because I'm not a graphics designer/artist.  It appears that 
> the fonts, even though anti-aliased, are not as sharp as the original.
> So, what other techniques do most of you use to accomplish the same? 
> Surely not everyone has an in-house graphics artist.  I know I never 
> had.  What programs and/or techniques are customarily used to accomplish 
> this feat?
> While this is not entirely a php question, it certainly is php developer 
> related so that's why I though of posting to this list.
> Thank you all.
> B
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