[nycphp-talk] New to group and array question

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Sun Sep 10 20:57:45 EDT 2006


    In general, yes, use single quotes.  Using double-quotes will cause
PHP to interpret the string, and is necessary if the key has a variable
in it, for example: $myarray["something_$var"], with $var=='foo', will
get you the value of $myarray['something_foo']. 

    While I'm not entirely sure about how you're echoing stuff, try just
not putting the array reference inside the string.  Instead, use the
concatenation operator ".":

    echo 'You are ' . $user['username'] . '.  Last login: ' .

David Krings wrote:

>	my name is David and I am new in this group. I do some PHP for fun for my 
>private web site and well, not to bore you with more details about me, here 
>is my question. I always stumble across an odd thing with arrays. I read in 
>many documentations and books that one should use the single quotes when 
>referencing to an array element, such as $array['element']. Generally, this 
>works fine and I use it that way, but it always fails when using it in echo 
>or header statements (and probably a few others). The error I receive is
>parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or 
>I know how to get around this parse error by omitting the single quotes 
>($array[element] instead of $array['element']), but I somehow am under the 
>impression as if this isn't really the way to do it. I could assign it to a 
>variable each time, but that is quite annoying (but maybe the right thing 
>to do?).
>What is the significance of the single quotes? What is the expert advice on 
>using or not using them? How would I package the single quote in an echo or 
>header statement?
>	Any enlightenment is greatly appreciated.
>			David
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