[nycphp-talk] Javascript IDE for PHP developers

csnyder chsnyder at
Mon Sep 11 11:17:23 EDT 2006

On 9/11/06, cliff <cliff at> wrote:
> Unfortunately, the world is not all PHP. And for those of us that don't have
> the luxury of a client-side development team, we must occasionally program in
> Javascript. I don't know about you, but since I don't do it that often, I find
> it painful to say the least. Was it getElementbyID or GetelementByid?
> Any thoughs on a good JS IDE equivalent to Zend Studio.
> I just discovered and am learning the Mozilla Venkman
> debugger. Other ideas?
> Cliff

Aptana is a good way to go, since the (several months old) rumor is
that the next generation of Zend Studio is going to be built on

Since Aptana can be installed as either standalone or Eclipse
extensions (or is it modules?) you'll get two IDEs for the memory
footprint of one. Right now, running Aptana side by side with the Zend
IDE is a little painful.

Also, not an IDE but since you mention Venkman... I can't say enough
good things about the Firebug extension for Firefox.

Chris Snyder

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