[nycphp-talk] Javascript IDE for PHP developers

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Mon Sep 11 18:26:55 EDT 2006

One of the nice things about javascript is that it's consistent in
naming internal functions.  You shouldn't have to look up
getElementById(), because built-in methods all follow
thisKindOfConvention (is that camel-case?).  One of the things people
complain about in php is that it's hard to remember what built-ins have
underscores, etc. 


Rick Olson wrote:

>It's actually choice c) getElementById() 
>cliff wrote:
>>Unfortunately, the world is not all PHP. And for those of us that don't have
>>the luxury of a client-side development team, we must occasionally program in
>>Javascript. I don't know about you, but since I don't do it that often, I find
>>it painful to say the least. Was it getElementbyID or GetelementByid?
>>Any thoughs on a good JS IDE equivalent to Zend Studio.
>>I just discovered and am learning the Mozilla Venkman
>>debugger. Other ideas?
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