[nycphp-talk] Force download

Dan Horning lists at
Tue Sep 12 21:53:42 EDT 2006

it may not be ideal but using MOD_rewrite to solve this issue just might 
be the way to solve it.

i've got notes that i'll add when i get home - currently i'm sitting in 
the starbucks next to penn station.

Michael Sims wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 September 2006 2:29 pm, Nathan Lavertue wrote:
>> Any reason why the following script wouldn't force download the file
>> in question with the appropiate name in all situations? Works in a
>> few browsers, but, not while using the Internet Browser on the PSP.
>> Tries to save the file 'download.php' instead of the actual video file.
> Some browsers continue, in 2006, to ignore all hints about what the 
> appropriate filename of a downloaded file should be.  Try hitting the 
> download URL like this:
> The browser may well be stupid enough to just grab the last part of the URL 
> and use that as the filename of the downloaded file.
> Michael Sims
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