[nycphp-talk] "The Web is broken and it's all your fault."

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu Sep 14 10:40:07 EDT 2006

On 9/14/06, Keith Casey <mailinglists at> wrote:
> I think there's another problem related to these two.  There are a
> number of open source apps out there setting horrible examples for the
> rest of us.  I - like many around here most likely - picked up php
> coming from other languages.  Therefore, since I knew the concepts and
> wanted to focus on syntax, my tendancy was to look at how other people
> were doing things and learn from there.

This is a really interesting point. I get depressed every time I
encounter another shared webhost that only offers php4, and packs the
server full of sprawling procedural gack that shouldn't be emulated by
anybody. And yet, this is the environment that the casual php
developer is going to be working in.

Could we point to, or even make, an example application that would be
simple enough to grok in an afternoon of study, but which would
incorporate the main security concepts that we need to keep drilling
into newbies?

Chris Snyder

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