[nycphp-talk] Frameworks under Subversion control ...

Baer, Jon jbaer at
Tue Sep 19 09:26:40 EDT 2006

Good stuff .. thanks guys ..

- Jon

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at on behalf of Greg Rundlett
Sent: Mon 9/18/2006 10:05 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Frameworks under Subversion control ...
On 9/18/06, Dan Cech <dcech at> wrote:
> Baer, Jon wrote:
> > I have a question on how others are handling their 3rd party frameworks
> > ... Specifically the ones under some type of version control (and when
> > your code itself is under version control).  There was a recent security
> > fix for CakePHP and an ~svn up~ provided the quickest way to get to the
> > fix*.
> I've had pretty good results using vendor branches to manage customised
> versions of upstream software.
> Once you get the hang of things it makes management pretty simple,
> essentially all you're doing is maintaining a local mirror of the
> upstream source, then merging it into your repository whenever you want
> to update to the latest versions from upstream.
> Dan

And here is another writeup i just found recently while pondering this
question.  It is based on the Subversion book so it is not different
or unique; provided only because it might offer some clarification on
the technique.

> > The problem w/ this is that there are potentials for breakage under your
> > unit tests (or just your code if you don't do test cases).  If you have
> > a lot of code between the revisions of your last framework update it can
> > be cumbersome to check everything.
> >
> > Would tagging your code based on major framework updates (1.x.x.x) be
> > the best solution in case something goes awry?
> >
> > Im also thinking of symlinking across the framework versions as another
> > alternative ... Just wondering how others might be handling it ...
> >
> > - Jon
> >
> > *On a side note Ive heard of mixed effects of using svn:externals
> > (albeit an svn upgrade, etc) and still not sure if it is the best
> > option.
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