[nycphp-talk] pcntl_fork() assistance

David Krings ramons at
Wed Sep 20 15:49:48 EDT 2006

At 01:50 PM 9/20/2006, you wrote:
>This is not specific to the pcntl_fork question (which I can't answer), 
>but if you're ever testing whether a string is empty, try something like this:
>print "Here's the string: --" . $the_string . "--";
>If you get "----" as output, the string is empty.

You can also use a real comparison such as
if ($the_string == '' or $the_string == NULL) echo 'String is empty!';

That is what I always use and sometimes minus the '' check when I accept an 
empty string, but not nothing. Also, doesn't print require the string 
portion to be encloded in ()?

David K. 

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