[nycphp-talk] Video Game Site Partner Needed

Ophir Prusak prusak at
Thu Sep 21 17:46:03 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I've been running since mid 1999 and I've coming
to the point where I need a partner.

Over the years I've had a few people help me out here and there on
site administration, but I've always done all of the back end work.

Unfortunately, I really haven't had the time to do anything on the
site for the past year or so it's been coasting.

At it's peak StationPlay was getting over a million visitors a month,
but now it's down to about 100,000 a month.

So ... I'm looking for someone to help me bring StationPlay back to
it's full glory and the path of rapid growth.

What I have to offer:

- Knowledge and Experience:
If you're looking to advance your knowledge of web development - I
have plenty to offer. I've been building sites professionally since
1994. Heck - I even taught PHP for Zend :)

- Fame:
Well, I do get a decent amount of traffic.

- Money:
I'd like to be able to say that StationPlay is a major money making
machine, but it's not. It _is_ profitable (advertising revenue minus
hosting fees) but it's more like lunch money. Lets just say I'm not
gonna quite my daytime job anytime soon.
I'm more than happy to share any profit that StationPlay makes with a
partner, but if you're in this purely for the money - please don't
waste my time.

What I want from you as a partner:

First and foremost, time to work on the site. If you're uber busy and
don't have any free time - don't bother.

As far as skills go - I'm assuming you know some PHP (or else why are
you on this list?) and have some programming experience.

Anyone with good graphic skills would be a big plus.

You should also be somewhat familiar with video games in general, but
die hard knowledge is not necessary (though a big plus).

I'm pretty open to anyone who feels they have a lot to offer, so I
don't want to limit myself in advance with a big requirements list.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, send me an email
and we'll chat.


Ophir Prusak

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