[nycphp-talk] data sync

Dan Cech dcech at
Mon Sep 25 10:32:18 EDT 2006

Michael Hernandez wrote:
> On Sep 25, 2006, at 10:13 AM, Aaron Deutsch wrote:
>> I finally setup my localhost to do all dev work with php/mysql. Now  
>> I have my office work pc and home pc (both windows) and a 1gig  
>> flash drive to bring the files back and forth. Does anyone use some  
>> kind of data sync software to make sure you are using the most  
>> updated files?  Sometimes I'll forget to copy an include file to my  
>> flash drive then have to wait till the next day to continue working.
>> thanks,
>> aaron d.
> subversion is nice :)
> -Mike


Set yourself up a subversion repository, then you can not only keep your
machines in sync but keep track of everything you do.


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