[nycphp-talk] Prevent (IE) browser cache of image

Jakob Buchgraber jakob.buchgraber at
Sun Apr 8 05:59:05 EDT 2007

Aaron Fischer wrote:
> Using time() to add a unique string to the img src seems to work quite 
> well, thanks!
> I think I prefer this to the nocache solution which gets applied to 
> all page elements.
> This example will only prevent caching of the one image, so all other 
> items on the page can be cached, which I don't mind.  Will help the 
> page load faster, particularly beneficial for users on a slower 
> connection.
> Cheers,
> -Aaron
>> Just add a unique string to the URL of the image
>> <img src="createImg.php?<?php echo time(); ?>" />
>> So the URL of the string changes every time the user reloads the page
>>> How can I force IE to load a fresh version of the image, either via 
>>> PHP or HTML/HTTP code?
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As far as I understood the HTTP No-Cache Solution you should include 
this file in the Script that generates the image.

// createImg.php

require "nocache.php";

header ("Content-Type: image/jpeg");

imagejpeg (..);

So this actually should only prevent the createImg.php from being 
cached. I am not quite sure whether this works with IE, tough. This 
browser seems to have some http caching related bugs.


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