[nycphp-talk] [OT] Next meeting

Brian Dailey support at
Fri Apr 13 12:09:46 EDT 2007

I have used this a bit in testing some of the web-apps that I've 
developed. The problem is that none of the other developers on my team 
are willing to use it, and our application changes often enough that it 
often breaks the tests and they have to be re-written.

I use SimpleTest more often (there is a plugin for Selenium that I've 
not managed to implement successfully), even though Selenium does a much 
better job of testing "the big picture" (Javascript included). The 
problem is that it's so easy to break the Selenium tests 
unintentionally, and it involves quite a bit of time to write another test.

It's a pretty powerful tool, and I highly recommend it, despite it's 

- Brian

Morgan Craft wrote:
> I know testing was mentioned.  Has anyone played with Selenium at all?
> Our development team is beginning to look at integrating this platform 
> into our testing.  Anyone else using this at all?
> Hans C. Kaspersetz wrote:
>> Both talks would be very cool....  Chris, I would prefer the testing 
>> discussion.  Are you talking about security testing or general 
>> testing, like the use of test suites to perform regression testing, 
>> ect?  I would prefer the later.  Seems like an issue that comes up 
>> once a year and deserves that attention.
>> Hans K
>> Hans Zaunere wrote:
>>> This is a good idea, too.  So, we went from not having any speaker, to
>>> having too much material :)
>>> Folks who would be willing to present (April for sure, possibly May) 
>>> please
>>> ping me directly and we can schedule things in.
>>> H
>>> Kenneth Downs wrote on Thursday, April 12, 2007 4:08 PM:
>>>> Have you ever considered a database primer?  A very simple
>>>> presentation could be built around a handful of ideas:
>>>> 1) Vocabulary demystification,  column=field, tuple=row=record,
>>>> relation=table, foreign key = reference, primary_key = "code" or
>>>> unique value 2)  Why you can do so much with primary and foreign keys
>>>> 3)  Is normalization a black art, or a simple matter of technique
>>>> 4)  What do people mean by denormalization, why do some people hate
>>>> it so much?  Why do others say it is no big deal?
>>>> 5) Finally, why programmers have trouble with databases and why
>>>> database people have trouble with code, the so-called "impedance
>>>> mismatch".
>>>> I'd be happy to prepare something.
>>>> Hans Zaunere wrote:
>>>>     Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyline) wrote on Thursday, April 12, 2007 4:01 
>>>> PM:
>>>>         Hey all,
>>>>         Some application penetration testing would be fun.
>>>>         Maybe using both tools (nessus) and scripts, brute forcing,
>>> cookie
>>>>         altering, sql inject.
>>>>         I dont know if that's something to put together in the next
>>> week,
>>>>         but I would donate time to providing a portion of what's
>>> listed.
>>>>     That's not a bad idea - maybe a cooperative presentation on a
>>>>     specific set of topics?
>>>>     H
>>>>         Just some thoughts.
>>>>         - Ben
>>>>         ----- Original Message -----
>>>>         From: "Chris Shiflett" <shiflett at>
>>> <mailto:shiflett at>
>>>>         To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
>>>>         <mailto:talk at> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007
>>> 3:54 PM
>>>>         Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] [OT] Next meeting
>>>>             Hans Zaunere wrote:
>>>>                 Would be great to have you present.
>>>>             Anyone have any topic requests?
>>>>             My favorite topics are web application security,
>>> sessions, and
>>>>             testing. I can also speak about DTD strategies:
>>>>             Chris
>>>>             --
>>>>             Chris Shiflett
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>>>> Kenneth Downs
>>>> Secure Data Software, Inc.
>>>> 631-379-7200   Fax: 631-689-0527
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