[nycphp-talk] OOP Question: Calling a classes function from another class

Brian Dailey support at
Wed Apr 18 10:03:45 EDT 2007

If you're just starting out in the PHP5 OOP world, I highly recommend 
Zandstra's "PHP 5 Objects, Patterns, and Practice." I promise you it's 
worth the $20.

If you need it in the entire class, you could create a new instance of 
the object in the __construct function ($this->Error = new Error) and 
then use it later. Either that or you could make it static and call it 
throughout the program (assuming that fits your needs).

- Brian

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyline) wrote:
> Hello Again,
> I've been porting my PHP4 libs to PHP5 OO, and I thus I have no formal 
> OOP training.
> This is my crash course.
> So, I've created an error logging class,
> class Error
> and I want to call it from another class.
> Is it necessary to create another instance of the class?
> I tried to use the Error:Log("error", log_level) (Calling form the Class 
> Utility)
> way of calling the function, but the Log( ) function
> using $this->someOtherFunction and this is being mistaken for the parent 
> Class (Utility->someOtherFunction) not the Error class.
> So, do I have to create a new instane of the object?
> Is there any way to create the object in the constructor of the other class,
> and then pass it around and call it when I need it via 
> $this->OBJECT->function?
> Thanks!
> - Ben
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- Brian Dailey
Software Developer
New York, NY
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