[nycphp-talk] PHP and SFTP

Brian Dailey support at
Thu Apr 19 16:12:29 EDT 2007

The problem is that I have no control over the receiving script (another 
company is involved). The receiving end isn't even a Linux server, it's 
some sort of Windows/ASP server running an SSH implementation. So I'm 
required to send the file via some sort of SSH tunnel.

I am mulling the idea of using scp, but I'm not sure at this point how I 
would confirm the file arrived intact.

Rolan Yang wrote:
> Have you thought of using CURL to upload the file over SSL? The 
> receiving script could respond with a confirmation, or even better, 
> return an md5 hash.
> ~Rolan
> Brian Dailey wrote:
>> Have any of you guys had any experience doing sftp transfers with PHP? 
>> I need something fairly robust that allows me to confirm that the file 
>> did indeed arrive intact.
>> I've looked into libssh2 (using ssh2.sftp:// wrapper) but I've had 
>> little luck with that. The next best thing I've found is being able to 
>> use a key to use ssh without entering a password (something I've done 
>> before, but not with PHP).
>> I'm not asking for code or anything, just wondering if anyone else on 
>> the list has ever done this and perhaps if you could point me to any 
>> resources that were helpful when you were setting it up.
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- Brian Dailey
Software Developer
New York, NY
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