[nycphp-talk] [Announce] Andromeda on Windows

Kenneth Downs ken at
Tue Apr 24 08:00:39 EDT 2007

Andromeda is an application framework written in PHP.

We have been working lately to have it running on Windows.  With 
feedback from users we have identified and removed the largest glitches 
and now are able to use Andromeda on Windows for regular Andromeda 

The features that we have tabled for now involve source and version 
control, so a person using Andromeda on Windows today would have to 
manually copy files from a dev machine to a production machine.

Andromeda makes use of Postgres (not mySQL), but you don't have to know 
much about Postgres, the install of Postgres runs pretty smooth in our 
experience, and it is not known to interfere with mySQL (any feedback on 
that would be welcome).

We have a special page just for installing on Windows:

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software, Inc.
631-379-7200   Fax: 631-689-0527

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