[nycphp-talk] Xampp Mysql Connection Issues

anan tette-tawia anangtt at
Wed Aug 8 12:05:48 EDT 2007

I have been trying to learn php development by installing xampp on my pc. The problem i am having is that i am able to save my php scripts and run them successfully but when i started trying to write programs that have to connect to the mysql database it started giving me all kinds of errors.
So my guess is that i am not being able to connect to the mysql db even though phpmyadmin seems to be connecting to it. I tried reading all these php forum tips on pinging mysql, etc but i dont seem to be making any clear headway.
Can anyone please HELP me by giving me some good tips on pinging and troubleshooting my problem. Please find below a list of my environment info ;
OS: Win XP
Computer type: laptop
Distribution: XAMPP
System firewall: Default windows firewall
Internet Security: AOL Active Shield
Whatever feels, lives; whatever lives, depends on nourishment; whatever lives and depends on nourishment grows; whatever is of this nature is in the end resolved into its basic principles; whatever comes to be resolved into its basic principles is a complex; every complex has its constituent parts; whatever this is true of is a divisible body. If therefore the human mind feels, it follows that it is a divisible body. 
(On the Απαθεια of the Human Mind 2.1) 
Anton Wilhelm Amo 
"Watch your thoughts for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny." 
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