[nycphp-talk] PHP to ajax variable passing problem

Tom Sartain tomsartain at
Thu Aug 9 15:32:22 EDT 2007

I'm not great with Javascript and I know next to nothing about Json, but I
know responseText will return a string, and PHP will output a string, so you
need to use javascript to use javascript to take the string and un-serialize
it (I don't know if this is technically un-serializing or not, but... make
an object out of a string)
So... yeah.. javascript issue for sure. Hope someone else can help you more
(and I'd like to know the answer too for my own education)


On 8/9/07, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
>  My Ajax response handler uses this line, which is fairly typical:
> var output = req.responseText;
> >From php, I'm echoing back json. Example:
> {"status":1,"count":0,"data":""}
> But instead of var output being an object, it is a string:
> "{"status":1,"count":0,"data":""}"
> How do I make this an object?
> Cliff
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