[nycphp-talk] Joomla meetings, your feedback needed

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Sat Aug 11 20:41:00 EDT 2007

As some of you may be aware, I'm trying to get Joomla meetings going in NYC.

NYPHP will be providing space for us for a monthly Thursday meeting.  
I've been running polls on my website(I have been setting it up lately 
for my independent consulting work, since I have the space there anyway, 
I figured might as well use it.)

 From the poll feedback, it looks like either the second or third week 
of the month is likely to be the week of choice.

I will be at the NYPHP event on the 23rd of this month to meet people 
interested in going to monthly meetings so we can finalize a week.

I have also setup a new poll, slightly longer this time, to get some 
feedback on what types of presentations people are interested in.  For 
the most part, I've listed things I have done, or am in the process of 
doing, so if no one else wants to present I can at least plan on 
reviewing something of interest to the people coming to the meeting(just 
don't expect a "professional" presentation - I'll try to be informative 
and not withhold "secrets" - as I've found most Joomla books seem to do.)

The polls are under NYC Joomla SIG on the menubar, and active polls are 
displayed in the right hand menubar.  My website is

So go ahead an give me some feedback  - the only way we can do things 
you find interesting is if you tell me what you want.

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