[nycphp-talk] Is there something wrong with this SQL query in PHP?

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Wed Aug 15 09:55:55 EDT 2007

csnyder wrote:
> On 8/15/07, Anthony Wlodarski <aw at> wrote:
>> So I was doing some reading on magic quotes and wrote a simple check to see
>> if it is on or not.  On our box magic quotes are disabled (which is the way
>> I would prefer it, I would rather manually add my own slashes to sequences
>> that need it) but my shared hosting has magic quotes enabled.  Now I know
>> the admin of the shared hosting is not going to turn off magic quotes
>> because not everyone that uses the services are diligent programmers.
> See --
> you can either disable it in an .htaccess file at the web root, or you
> can use get_magic_quotes_gpc() to check for it and, if on, apply
> stripslashes() to input values.

Oh, doh.  the C in GPC stands for cookie, so yeah you can strip it off 
the cookies and request variable as well.

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