[nycphp-talk] [OT]: flatiron office sublet available

Sean Pangia spangia at
Wed Aug 15 14:28:10 EDT 2007

Dan Cech wrote:
> Sean Pangia wrote:
>> please pardon the off-topic post, but if anyone's looking for a pretty
>> decent space:
> 1. Please refrain from posting OT topics to this (or any) list.  There
> are any number of venues you can use for this.
> 2. When starting a new topic please don't do so by replying to an
> unrelated email, and especially not one 8 months old.  Is it so much
> effort to type an email address in the To: field?
> 3. While I'm at it, I see that when you do post to this list you
> invariably top-post.  Don't do that either ;)
> Dan
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mea culpa. i've been on the list for a couple years and had no idea i 
was breaking so many rules.


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