[nycphp-talk] Webserver file access

Anthony Wlodarski aw at
Fri Aug 17 14:25:23 EDT 2007

Let us talk about theoretical here.  If the owner of the web root folder is
"root" (/var/www/html), should it be changed to the Apache group that is
created normally.  I did a few checks in the /etc/group file and the apache
group does exist as well my account on the box is part of that group, should
the web root group be changed apache to make sure that only users of the
Apache group have controls?


Anthony Wlodarski

Senior Technical Recruiter

Shulman Fleming & Partners

646-285-0500 x230

aw at


From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Adrian Noland
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 12:48 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Webserver file access


On 8/17/07, wkamm at <wkamm at> wrote:

Can your userid have access to the web site's directory?  You can then use
WinSCP to copy the files there directly, and avoid using PuTTY. 

Another way to do essentially the same noted above:
Have your administrator add you to the group for the web root directory, in
my case the apache group, as well as g+w perms. Add the line 'newgrp apache'
to your profile and presto, permissions to move and delete files around. 

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