[nycphp-talk] UPS Shipping Calculator

Timothy Boyden tboyden at
Mon Aug 20 15:40:34 EDT 2007

I guess the difference is an insignificant matter.

To me, and I think to others who feel the same way, there is a
difference between saying -  "a good example is this (including possibly
a code snippet) from PHP in a Nutshell by O'Reilly Publishing"  - where
it is obvious that you need to go to a library or buy the book, and a
response like  - "Yeah, I did that, but you have to go pay for my code
that some magazine published to find out how to do it".

The first example is helpful, informative and courteous, while the
second example - though ultimately helpful if you choose to pay for the
articles - is nothing more than an advertising plug that only benefits
the magazine.

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Gary Mort
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 3:14 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] UPS Shipping Calculator

Timothy Boyden wrote:
> Unfortunately the author "Dynamic Ink" has decided that his code (an 
> adaptation of a UPS copyrighted API open to registered users) is only 
> available via a pay for article on PHP | Architect. Obviously this is 
> his choice to make but goes against the spirit of open help of this 
> list.
I don't see the problem, I often will reply to a question on a list with
a reference to an article or chapter of a book.

If it is in a book by someone else it would be rude in the extreme to
post it elsewhere.

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